Thursday, July 21, 2016

Examples of Recount Text

Examples of Recount Text

Hai semua, ketemu lagi bersama Admin Bram nih, kali ini akan membahas tentang Example of Recount Text atau contoh Recount Text sesuai dengan janjiku di post sebelumnya. Lanjut belajar !

 Journey to Bandungan

Last saturday, we woke up very early in the morning. Mother and I prepared breakfast quickly. Then we had breakfast together. After that we started our journey to Bandungan. Father drove the car carefully.
we arrived at a hotel in Bandungan at 7:30. The hotel was at the peak of Bandungan. We unpacked our luggage and rested for a while. Then mom told us to get ready to go to the train station. Wow ! It was fantastic ! We rode on an old train. It lasted for thirty minutes. We passed a beautiful lake called Rawa Pening.
Then we went back to our hotel for lunch. After lunch, my brother and I went swimming. The swimming pool was near our room. However, the water was very cold. Soon, we decided to stop swimming.
The next day, we went up the hill to Gedong Songo temple complex. We rode horses to reach the temples. I felt as if I was acting in The Lord of the Rings movies. It was great fun.

Task 1, Analyze text


Who                      : The writer, the writer’s mother, the writer’s father, and the writer’s brother.
Where                   : The writer’s house, hotel, train station, Gedong Songo temple complex.
When                    : Last saturday.
What Happened : The writer’s journey to Bandungan.

Series of Events

Event 1 : The writer and the writer’s family woke up very early in the morning.
Event 2 : The writer’s mother and the writer prepared breakfast quickly and they had breakfast together.
Event 3 : They started their journey to Bandungan by car.
Event 4 : They arrived at a hotel in Bandungan at 7:30.
Event 5 : They unpacked and rested for a while.
Event 6 : They went to train station, rode on an old trainfor thirty minutes passing Rawa Pening lake.
Event 7 : They went back to their hotel for lunch.
Event 8 : The writer’s brother and the writer went swimming.
Event 9 : The next day, the went up the hill to Gedong Songo temple complex by horses.

Personal Comment

The writer felt as if I was acting in The Lord of the Rings movies.


It was great fun.

Text 2, Read the text carefully then answer the following questions.


  1. What is the text about ?
  2. Where did the writer go for a vacation ?
  3. How did the writer go to Bandungan ?
  4. Where did the writer stay during the vacation ?
  5. What was the first place visited by the writer ?
  6. What did the writer do after lunch ?
  7. Then we when back to our hotel for lunch. The word “we” refers to …
  8. Find out the synonym of “trip” in the text.
  9. How did the writer feel about the vacation ?
  10. What did the writer do at Gedong Songo ?


  1. The text is about the writer’s vacation at Bandungan.
  2. The writer went to Bandungan for a vacation.
  3. The writer went to Bandungan by car.
  4. In the vacation, the writer stayed at the hotel.
  5. The first place visited by writer was Rawa Pening.
  6. After lunch, the writer went swimming.
  7. The word “we” refers to the writer and the writer’s family.
  8. The synonym of “trip” in the text was journey.
  9. The writer felt as if he was acting in The Lord of the Rings movies.
  10. In Gedong Songo, the writer rode horses to reach the temple complex
(Inget ya kalau buat jawaban dar pertanyaan esay maka dibuat cara menjawabnya kalau tidak nanti salah :D).
Sekian dari post Examples of Recount Text terimakasih telah mengunjungi.

Recount Text

Recount Text

Hai semua, ketemu lagi bersama Admin Bram nih, kali ini akan membahas tentang Recount Text. Recount Text itu adalah pelajaran kelas 2 SMP yang menggunakan Kurikulum 13. Sebenarnya Recount Text itu mirip dengan Teks Ulasan di pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia namun, pada orientasina berbeda. Lanjut belajar!

Description of Recount Text

Recount Text is a text which retells/tells about someone past experience.

Generic Structures of Recount Text

  1. Orientation

    Orientation tells who invoted, what happened, where the events took place and when it happened.
  2. Series of Events

    It tells what happened in a sequence of time.
  3. Personal Comment (Optional)

    It contains the writer’s feelingon the events.
  4. Reorientation (Optional)


Analyze Text

1. Orientation

Who                      : (Who was invoted in the text)
When                    : (When the text happened)
Where                   : (Where the text happened)
What Happened : (What happened in the text)

2. Series of Events

Event 1 :
Event 2 :
Event 3 :
Event n :

3. Personal Comment (Optional)

What the writer feel about his/her experience.

4. Reorientation (Optional)


The example of the Recount Text is in my next post keep visit OK :D

Mengetik Lebih Tenang dengan AUTO - SAVE

Cara Mengaktifkan Fitur Autosave Pada Microsoft Office

Hai semua, ketemu lagi bersama Admin Bram nih, kali ini akan membahas tentang Cara Mengaktifkan Fitur Autosave pada Microsoft Word/Power Point/Excel. Pasti kalian pernah ngerasain ini, pada ssaat buat tugas pakai komputer secara tiba–tiba listriknya mati trus tugasnya belum di save, apalagi jika sekarang H–1, nyesel deh. Untuk mengatasinya ikuti cara berikut ini.

1. Buka Microsoft-nya terserah maunya Word/Power Point/Excel.

2. Untuk yang 2013 dan 2016, baru masuk klik Black Document.

3. Klik File di pojok kiri atas.

4. Setelah kalian klik File, akan muncul tampilan baru klik Options di bawah.

5. Kemudian muncul kotak baru lagi, seperti ini klik Save.

6. Tampilan kotak itu akan berubah menjadi ini.  

7. Centang Save Autorecovery Information every.

8. Rubah angka 10 minutes di kotak dialog minutes menjadi 1 minutes

9.Tada selesai. Cara di Ms. Word, Ms. Excel dan Ms. Power Point itu sama.


Cara menggunakannya adalah :
1. Tunggu 1 Menit

2. Maka akan terdapat tulisan kecil.

3. Atau lebih lengkapnya


4. Coba sekarang tutup Wordnya. (NOTE : Menggunakan Task Manager, karena pada saat mati listrik Wordnya langsung ketutup tanpa persetujuan). Sekarang adalah tahap yang paling beresiko, Do it with your own risk ok. 

5.Buka Task Manager.


6.Cari Microsoft Word, klik trus di End-task.


7. Setelah Tertutup, buka lagi file yang tadi tertutup paksa.

8. Klik File, dokumen yang tadi tertutup paksa akan direcover di sini.

9. Klik yang (autosave) sama yang (when I closed without saving) yang paling atas, trus cari file yang sama seperti tadi. 


10. Klik yang ada di dalam kotak.
11. Selamat Kamu sukses dalam mempelajari ini!!!!!.

Cara Membuat No Halaman di Microsoft Word

Cara Membuat No Halaman


Hai semua, ketemu lagi bersama Admin Bram nih, kali ini akan membahas tentang Cara Membuat No Halaman. Ada yang disini pelajar ? Dan tugasnya buat makalah ? Pasti ada ya.. Kalau buat makalah itu harus ada daftar isi dan no halamannya. Jadi mari kita bahas. Lanjut Belajar !

1. Pada dokumen baru, klik Ribbon Insert.


2. Pada Ribbon Insert klik Page Number.


3. Setelah diklik maka akan muncul menu pop up, letakkan kursos di menu yang anda inginkan seperti saya meletakkannya di Bottom of Page.


4.Setelah diletakkan akan muncul menu pop up baru lagi (pop up aja ya) dan pilih sesuai keinginan kamu, seperti aku yang memilih plain number 3.


5. Tada hasilnya sperti ini, untuk mengganti jenis dan no angka pertama, klik Page Number.


6.Muncul menu pop up lagi (lagi) sekarang klik Format Page Numbers.


7. Maka akan muncul kotak dialog (akhirnya beda). Number Format digunakan untuk mengatur jenis angka yang digunakan. Start at digunakan untuk memulai dari nomor keberapa.


Sekian Cara Membuat No Halaman dari Bram. Untuk membuat agar dalam satu file dokumen Word terdapat lebih dari satu jenis No Halaman akan dibahas dipostingan berikutnya Salam Belajar.