Thursday, July 21, 2016

Recount Text

Recount Text

Hai semua, ketemu lagi bersama Admin Bram nih, kali ini akan membahas tentang Recount Text. Recount Text itu adalah pelajaran kelas 2 SMP yang menggunakan Kurikulum 13. Sebenarnya Recount Text itu mirip dengan Teks Ulasan di pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia namun, pada orientasina berbeda. Lanjut belajar!

Description of Recount Text

Recount Text is a text which retells/tells about someone past experience.

Generic Structures of Recount Text

  1. Orientation

    Orientation tells who invoted, what happened, where the events took place and when it happened.
  2. Series of Events

    It tells what happened in a sequence of time.
  3. Personal Comment (Optional)

    It contains the writer’s feelingon the events.
  4. Reorientation (Optional)


Analyze Text

1. Orientation

Who                      : (Who was invoted in the text)
When                    : (When the text happened)
Where                   : (Where the text happened)
What Happened : (What happened in the text)

2. Series of Events

Event 1 :
Event 2 :
Event 3 :
Event n :

3. Personal Comment (Optional)

What the writer feel about his/her experience.

4. Reorientation (Optional)


The example of the Recount Text is in my next post keep visit OK :D

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